Welcome to Tzu Chi Academy Boston
Boston慈濟人文學校創立於1998年, 是二十五所美國慈濟人文學校的一所,人文學校的成立是台灣慈濟基金會四大志業與八大腳印﹐即「慈善﹑醫療﹑教育﹑人文﹑國際賑災﹑骨髓捐贈﹑環保﹑社區志工」中教育志業的重要一環。
Boston 慈濟人文學校的創校宗旨是努力落實慈濟海外教育志業以「人本教育」配合「語文教育」的全方位教育理念。課程多元化,不僅教授中文和才藝課程,更融入活潑的靜思語教學和人文課程,提供孩子人格成長及學習語言和中國倫理美德的優良環境。
資深優良的中文教師團隊,多有多年的教學經驗,兼具愛心及耐心,以啓發良能的教學方式, 在日常言行、唱遊、說故事比賽、演講比賽,靜思語繪畫比賽等各種教學活動中,帶領孩子們進入美妙的中文學習,讓孩子們快樂學中文,同時呵護本具的愛心與善念。
現代孝親課程,柔合傳統與現代,讓每一位同學將學習到的道理 應用到日常生活中去落實體現感恩、尊重、愛。
Boston Tzu Chi Academy was founded in 1988 as one of the 25 Tzu Chi Academies in the USA. Tzu Chi academies were established as an essential part of Tzu Chi Foundation’s education mission in the Four Missions and Eight Footprints — charity, medicine, education, humanistic culture, disaster relief, bone marrow drive, environmental protection, community volunteerism.
Based on the humanistic cultural spirit of “loving-kindness, compassion, joy and equanimity”, Tzu Chi Academy seeks to awaken the intrinsic conscience and altruistic potential in the children. Through cultivating humanistic arts, we hope to cultivate gratitude, respect and love in the students
Boston Tzu Chi Academy was founded with the mission of implementing the education mission for Tzu Chi. Our principle is to combine a human-centric education and linguistic education to provide comprehensive education. Our curriculum is diverse; beyond Chinese and talent classes, we also incorporate lively Jing Si aphorism and humanistic cultural classes to create a healthy environment for developing the students’ character, language skills, morals and virtues in Chinese culture.
Our team of experienced and excellent Chinese language teachers have years of teaching experience, love and patience. With teaching methodology meant to awaken the students’ altruistic potential, through daily conduct, sing-along, storytelling contests, speech contests, Jing Si aphorism drawing contest and various other activities, we lead the students to a beautiful Chinese learning experience which they can enjoy learning Chinese as well as cherish their intrinsic love and kindness.
The diverse curriculum on humanistic culture includes creative dance, Chinese yo-yo, badminton, chess, cultural arts, tea ceremony and flower arrangement. We hope to enrich every student’s experience and perspective. Apart from helping the students understand their personal interest and potential, we also hope to cultivate their appreciation of artistic and physical abilities.
Jing Si aphorism teaching is centered on the theme of environmental protection and honoring family values.
The curriculum on environmental protection begins from understanding environmental protection, changing personal conduct and understanding that everyone is part of preserving the environment.
Modern classes on family values combine tradition and modern lifestyle to help every student apply the principles they learned into demonstrating gratitude, respect and love in daily life.
Tzu Chi Academy welcomes you with open arms! Let us work together for the next generation.