慈濟人文學校 K2-G9 報名簡章
- 語文課程 Language Class: 9:30am-10:20am, 10:30am-11:20am
幼中班 Kindergarten II , 幼大班 Kindergarten III, 一至九年級 1st to 9th grade - 人文課程 Cultural Extracurricular Class: 11:30am-12:20pm
多元化的人文課程包括大愛引航靜思語教學、環保課程、素食教學、創作舞蹈、扯鈴、羽球、棋藝、民俗藝術、茶道、花道等。Cultural curriculum includes Jing Si aphorisms, environmental conservation, cooking, creative dance, yoyo, badminton, chess, folk arts, tea ceremony, flower arrangement and more. - 幼稚園/一年級家長需輪值擔任班級愛心爸爸媽媽(一學年約四次)
Parents of K2 /G1 are required to take turns volunteering as room parents. (~4 times per academic year) - 一年級以上的轉學生需要做簡單的語文能力測試分班
A high-level assessment will be provided to transferred students in G1 and above. - 學費及退費辦法 Tuition and Refund Policy
- 學費:包括教材費、學雜費及人文課程費。一學年學雜書籍費$620,加註冊費$30,
舊生6/2/2024 前早註冊並繳費者每位學生有$50折扣。新生於7/31/2024 前早註冊並
Tuition and fees: $620 annual tuition (for two semesters) for books, and
miscellaneous fees, plus a $30 non-refundable registration fee per student.
Existing students will receive a $50 discount if registered and paid on or before
6/2/2024. New students will receive a $50 discount if registered and paid on or
before 7/31/2024. None of the fees are tax deductible. - 制服費:每位學生每兩年可免費領取長袖制服或短袖制服一件。額外購買制服 $20一
Uniform costs: Each student can request a long-sleeve or a short-sleeve uniform
free of charge every two years. Additional uniforms can be purchased for $20 each. - 退費辦法:註冊費 恕不退費。開學日之前申請退費,學雜書籍費全額退還。開學日後
Tuition refund policy:- Refund requests made before the first class will receive a full refund of the tuition.
Registration fee is non-refundable. - Refund requests made within 30 days after school starts will receive 75% of
tuition paid. Registration fee is non-refundable. - Refund requests received after the first month will receive NO REFUND.
- Refund requests made before the first class will receive a full refund of the tuition.
- 推薦費: 每推薦新家庭加入人文學並註冊可抵學費補助$50。Referral Fee: For each
recommended new family that registers, you will receive a $50 tuition discount.
- 學費:包括教材費、學雜費及人文課程費。一學年學雜書籍費$620,加註冊費$30,
成人班 報名簡章
成人中文班 – 台灣華語文中心 Taiwan Center for Mandarin Learning
上課時間 Class Schedule: 9/8/2024 – 6/1/2025 9:30am-12:20pm on Sundays
小班教學 一學年共24周 Lessons are conducted in a small class setting (total 24 weeks)
學費及退費辦法 Tuition and Refund Policy
- 學費:一學年學費$600, 文化課(花道,茶道,國畫,Yoyo等)材料費不另收費。 舊生
6/2/2024 前早註冊並繳費者每位學生享有$50優惠。新生於7/31/2024 前早註冊並繳
費者每位學生享有$50優惠 。所有費用均不可抵稅。
Tuition and fees: $600 annual tuition (for 24 weeks). Tuition includes material
fees for the extracurricular classes (Flower arrangement, Tea Ceremony, Chinese
Calligraphy, Yoyo etc)
Existing students will receive a $50 early bird discount if registered and paid on or
before 6/2/2024. New students will receive a $50 early bird discount if registered
and paid on or before 7/31/2023. None of the fees are tax deductible. - 退費辦法:註冊費 恕不退費。開學日之前申請退費,學雜書籍費全額退還。開學日後
Tuition refund policy:- Refund request made before the first class will receive a full refund of the tuition.
Registration fee is non-refundable. - Refund request made within 30 days after school starts will receive 75% of tuition
paid. Registration fee is non-refundable. - Refund request received after the first month will receive NO REFUND.
- Refund request made before the first class will receive a full refund of the tuition.
- TCML (台灣華語文學習) 成人中文班亦開放報名。 (Adults Class registration ) https://forms.gle/eAbL9GiiWUi1fN7fA
新芽班 報名簡章
新芽親子班 Sprout Preschool
上課時間: 9:30 am – 11:20am
Sprout classes are designed for children ages 3 to 4. Students need to be accompanied by a parent in the classroom.
學費及退費辦法 Tuition and Refund Policy
- 學費:包括教材費和學雜費。一學年學學費$420,加註冊費$30, 註冊費恕不退費。
新生於7/31/2024 前早註冊並繳費者每位學生有$50折扣。所有費用均不可抵稅。
Tuition and fees: $420 annual tuition (two semesters), and miscellaneous fees,
plus a $30 non-refundable registration fee per student.
New students will receive a $50 discount if registered and make the payments on
or before 7/31/2024. None of the fees are tax deductible. - 制服費:每位學生可免費索取一件制服。額外制服 $20一件。
Uniform costs: Each student can request a uniform free of charge. Additional
uniforms can be purchased for $20 each. - 退費辦法:註冊費 恕不退費。開學日之前申請退費,學雜書籍費全額退還。開學日後
Tuition refund policy:- Refund requests made before the first class will receive a full refund of the tuition.
Registration fee is non-refundable. - Refund requests made within 30 days after school starts will receive 75% of
tuition paid. Registration fee is non-refundable. - Refund requests received after the first month will receive NO REFUND.
- Refund requests made before the first class will receive a full refund of the tuition.
- 推薦費: 每推薦新家庭加入人文學並註冊可抵學費補助$50。
Referral Fee: For each recommended new family that registers, you will receive a
$50 tuition discount.
Thank you for your interest in the Tzu Chi Academy. For more information, please click on either the online or paper forms options to start your process.
幼兒班及低年級班接受新生及轉學生報名。中高年級班接受轉學生報名。(K2 – G9)
3歲到4歲的「新芽親子班」,上課時間為9:30-11:20am。 (Age 3- 4)
Please fill out form with check payment made payable to:
Tzu Chi Academy
郵寄地址:Mailing address:
Tzu Chi Academy
Registration Department
15 Summer Street
Newton, MA 02464